国际免费电话:950-4035-1892 (北京时间凌晨1点至中午12点)
美国:626-213-3965 / 626-213-3966(洛杉矶时间早9点至晚6点)










患儿于2016年4月21日血常规显示:白细胞 6900/微升, 分类正常,血红蛋白14.3克/升,血小板27000/微升,无平均血小板体积数值。于2016年4月21日至4月26日住院诊治。多次血常规显示血小板减少,其他指标正常。临床诊断为特发性血小板减少性紫癜。于2016年4月22日开始每天一次的静脉甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠40毫克注射治疗(1.6毫克/千克体重)。2016年4月25日骨髓检验报告:三系正常,无原始细胞,巨核细胞轻度增生。4月25日复查血常规,血小板升至148000/微升。出院后予以口服泼尼松25毫克一次,每天两次的治疗。




  1. 孙教授支持特发性血小板减少性紫癜的诊断,理由如下:1)血常规和骨髓检验结果:血小板单系减少,细胞分类正常,骨髓形态和细胞学正常,仅有巨核细胞的轻度增生。2)她对激素治疗敏感。补体C3/C4的异常和抗核抗体弱阳性无显著临床意义。
  2. 美国的特发性血小板减少性紫癜的治疗方案选择:


观察疗法的理论依据是减少药物治疗相关的不良反应,同时 不增加严重出血的风险。它是基于血小板数目和患者出血倾向的平衡措施。


  1. 类固醇激素与静脉注射免疫球蛋白的副作用



  1. 如果患者对治疗反应不佳,或出现反复的血小板减少,我们会进行骨髓检验排除其他病因。
  2. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜的自然病程


  1. 慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜的治疗方案(药物治疗或观察)取决于血小板数目和患者的活动量。
  2. 在美国如何治疗具有类似病史的患者:




  1. 根据血小板数目调整日常活动量


1万-3万/微升:避免有直接身体接触的运动, 如曲棍球、篮球、足球、拳击, 避免乘坐过山车;



Medical History Summary:

Patient had a routine CBC on 4/21/2016 that showed WBC 6.9K, normal differential, Hb 14.3, Platelet 27K, no MPV available. She was hospitalized from 4/21-4/26/16. Multiple CBC showed normal finding except thrombocytopenia. She was diagnosed with ITP and was started on solumedrol 40mg IV (~ 1.6mg/kg) daily on 4/22. Bone marrow exam on 4/25/2016 showed normal trilineage maturation, no blast and slightly increased magakaryocytes. Repeat CBC on 4/25 showed platelet counts of 148K. She was discharged home with prednisone 25mg po bid.

She was followed up as outpatient. She had normal platelet counts in May and June. From the records, prednisone dose reduction started on 5/4/16. It was taped down slowly. She was found to have thrombocytopenia again on 8/2 with platelet count of 26K. Prednisone was changed to dexamethasone and platelet count responded well. The last CBC showed platelet counts of 96K on 9/20/2016.


Parents have questions about her diagnosis, test result, treatment plan, side effect, activity, food, and overall outcome.

  1. I agree with the diagnosis of ITP, based on the following: 1) CBC and bone marrow exam results – isolated thrombocytopenia, normal differential, normal marrow cellularity/morphology, except slightly increased megakaryocytes. 2) She also responded to steroids very well. The slightly abnormal C3/C4 and weakly positive ANA are not clinically significant.
  2. Treatment options for ITP in the US

In US, the treatment can be: observation and medication. In general, we will treat patient if PLT < 10K due to the risk of increased spontaneous bleeding; we generally do not treatment patient if PLT > 20K since the risk of severe bleeding is extremely low; if PLT is 10-20K, we can treat the patient or opt to observe.

Rationale for observation – decrease the side effect associated with treatment, at the same time to not increase the risk of severe bleeding. It is a balanced act based on the platelet count and the bleeding tendency of the patient.

In US, we generally use IVIG as first line to treat ITP. Occasionally, we also use WinRho as first line. I explained to family how IVIG and WinRho work. Steroids is generally used a second line (occasionally first line). We generally start steroids at large dose for 1-2 weeks, then start to taper.

  1. Side effect of steroids and IVIG

Steroids: short term side effect include: weight gain, mood swing, insomnia, hyperglycemia, weakness and occasionally pain; long term side effect including growth, bone density.

IVIG: risk of transmission of disease through blood/plasma product. However, the risk is extremely low.

  1. If a patient doesn’t respond to the therapy well, or recurrent thrombocytopenia, we will do bone marrow exam to rule out other causes.
  2. Nature course of ITP

Most children will recover spontaneously, irrespective of therapy or observation. In general, most children will recover within 12-18 months. If patient still presented with thrombocytopenia beyond 12-18 months, we will consider the diagnosis of chronic ITP.

  1. The treatment indication (vs. observation) of chronic ITP will be based on the PLT count and patient activity level.
  2. I discussed with family how we usually manage a patient with similar history in the US:

Work with the child, family, and medical team to set up a comfortable minimal platelet counts that will require treatment – in general, we use 10-20K (mother mentioned she is happy with 30K).

We will start to taper the steroids slowly, approximately 2-3 months. If patient platelet counts dropped during taper, can use IVIG as rescue.

Start Vitamin D and Calcium。

  1. Modify activity based on the PLT count

< 10K: treatment.

10-30K: avoid contact sport such as Hockey, basketball, football, boxing, avoid roller coaster.

30-50K: avoid boxing and use head to hit ball directly.

50K: no restriction.



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